The company attracts trained specialists, and gives the opportunity to improve hard skills and soft skills through training and practice.
We are a growing company where any employee can build a career.
For example, Maria is a sales manager. She began her career at Endeavour as a sales representative. Maria's personal qualities and the company's interest in developing her best skills have enabled her to climb the career ladder. Maria now sits on the company board of directors.
Fatima graduated from college just two years ago. Her study period fell on a pandemic of online learning. This deprived the students of the opportunity to use all the special programmes and techniques. Today Fatima is a CAD operator with big tasks and a demanding job.
Altyn came from the job centre after a short course with a rough idea of the job of a seamstress.
Today Altyn is a successful foreman.
Leila had little experience after university when she joined our company. Her personal qualities and a great mentor enabled her to quickly change her status to top employee and then to chief accountant.
The company actively cooperates with colleges and universities. We give lectures on modern production methods and provide our production site for dual training. Students gain in-demand skills, and we invite future specialists to work.
We train college masters in modern technology and participate in curriculum development.
We train college masters in modern technology and participate in curriculum development.
Our company actively promotes the employment of young people under the state programmes "Youth" and "First job". The main objectives of such programmes are to connect employers and jobseekers without work experience.
Computer literacy courses in special programmes. е.g. WILCOM and PM1 embroidery and sewing machines, Bitrix and Excel office software, AKU MARK design software.
Participation in textile and technical fairs and seminars. Our technicians (programmer, mechanic, engineer) learn about new equipment and technological innovations. They also improve their skills on existing equipment.
We consider team-building training important as well. It is a great way to gain new knowledge and develop soft skills. We run a series of trainings by Dmitry Arkhipov.